15 August, 2010


K, so I know I have problems with my little obsessions and then when I'm over I'll just throw it in the trash, make sense? Didn't think so. Its like when you want something so bad you would even sacrifice your own reputation for it and then when you do get it or even within your reach you realize all your efforts were fruitless. I guess its the whole "hit it an quit it" mentality. Ahhh, the velveeta generation, comprendes??? Where would we be without microwaves, I'll tell you, kernel free teeth is where we'd be!!!

And I qoute, Courtney Love:
when they get what they want they never want it again
when they get what they want they never want it again

Here's a song that explains how I feel, click here, if you want to dive deep into the chasms of my disturbing little brain:

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